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Unable to be there

In the past 3 years I have lost 2 younger brothers and 2 brothers-in-law. They have all lived too far away for us to travel. Both my husband and I are seniors with health issues. This morning I received word that my dear, sweet sister who lost her husband two years ago was taken to ER with chest pain and a mass was discovered that could be cancer. She has Parkinson's and as a result many other issues. Fortunately her daughter's are very close and caring. But my heart is aching to be with her I have so many emotions bombarding me that I feel paralyzed.

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Some interesting Facts from Netflix's New Documentary, 'Hack Your Health: The Secrets to your Gut'

The gut is the center of a biomedical revolution. This whole field is disrupting modern medicine.

Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Parkinsons, and Cancer are ALL related to the gut microbiome

Our gut affects our whole body. The gut is the second brain. Our brains have never existed without signals coming from the gut.

70% of our immune system lives in our gut.

You get your first habitable microbes when you are born out of your mother's womb. We shape our gut microbiome based on our experiences. The relationships you have, the pets you have, exercise, stress, the food you eat. Because of this, everyone has different microbiomes. It is a collection of microbial memories.

Knowing the microbiome is the key to health is key because you can't change your genes. BUT you can change your microbes by simple edits to your diet and lifestyle.

The modern-day microbiome is pretty unhealthy and is pushing up to this prevalent rise in chronic conditions such as hypertension, food allergies, diabetes, obesity, etc. The way we think about disease needs to change.

Changes to our environment. Western diet. the way babies are born (c-section), baby formula, sanitation, and antibiotics, all lead to decreased microbiome diversity, Exactly what we see in today's industrialized microbiome.

Currently, in the states, 60% of the calories eaten are ultra-processed and ultrally refined. This strips it of its natural ingredients and adds in a ton of processed sugars and chemicals.

When you look at quote healthy labels, it is hard to depict what is even in it. Most healthy labels are full of sugars and processed chemical components. Because of this, it is very hard to navigate what you should be eating. The food and wellness world is incredibly confusing.

Current recommendations in the United States recommend 28-40g of fiber per day, HOWEVER on average we are only eating 15g at most in the average American diet. The field of microbiome science is realizing we need to be eating access to 50g of fiber per day. If you don't feed your microbes fiber, they start to eat you. If you stop eating dietary fiber, the microbes need to start eating something. If there is no fiber, it will start to eat away at your mucosal gut lining and spread to various parts of your body, causing inflammation all over. Which can lead to many diseases such as IBD or IBS.

If a gut microbiome is very diverse and has a different variety of bacteria, then it can adapt to what life throws at us. A bouquet of possibilities.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Confused2. I'm here because I had Kyphosis/Scoliosis repair surgery over 11/2 year ago and I'm in more pain than ever. I was referred to Pain Clinic who recommended seeing a Psychologist ( I guess because past trauma is making my pain worse than the normal person) I am so insulted, angry and confused. It wouldn't be the 17 hooks , screws rods etc. on both sides of spine? Then the Surgeons assistant ( he's much too busy to see me) is referring me to Neurology and actually suggested I might have Parkinson's Disease? Please tell me if this sounds as wrong as I do!


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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Emily Hornsby. I am the mindfulness curriculum coordinator for the University of Alabama School of HEalth Professions in Birmingham, Alabama and the programs it offers such as the National Center for HEalth, PHysical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) and MENTOR (mindfulness, exercise, and nutrition to optimize resilience). I teach mindfulness and mindfulness meditation to those with a mobility disabilty such as MS, TBI, Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, stroke, etc. I have fibromyalgia and sjogren's syndrome. I am interested in learning how mindfulness and meditation have helped those individuals with an illness or injury.

#MightyTogether #Fibromyalgia

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Journeyingwith P

Our journey with Parkinson's began 14 years ago. We had no information on P, and as my husband says you spend an inordinate amount of time on the internet, The caveat he says is without that we would know nothing about P.

I have developed close ties with many on the journey, and e\ndeavour to provide updated, current, and relevant informayion on P.

I am a Canadian Ambassador for the Davis Pninnet Foundation

We are the only boice for Parkonson's in Nova Scotia.

We are in the process of tolding our first support group meeting.

The camradarie we share with oyhers on the journey is a gift

The many challenges we all face on our journey allows us to reflect on what P means ro each an every one of us.

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